IDOL℠World 🌎
Take a look at the training solutions created by teams of students at IDOL Academy. All solutions are free to download for non-profit organizations. We are also looking for more non-profit organizations looking for volunteer learning designers. If you have a project you want our IDOLs to work on click the button below and fill out the form today!
What is IDOL℠World🗺️?
One way that IDOL courses® works to achieve our mission is by offering experience opportunities to the next generation of learning developers - our students. IDOL courses® provides a framework and support for students working together as a team to design and develop a training solution. The completed projects are available to non-profit organizations free of charge. Learn how IDOLâ„ World works and check out the free training solutions below.

IDOL courses® provides a framework and support for students working together as a team to design and develop a training solution.
The topics vary but largely address issues of interest to non-profit organizations in a given field or market segment.
The completed projects are available to non-profit organizations free of charge.

Student teams self-organize and are mostly self-directed in carrying out the project. Volunteer teams are always be self-organized and self-directed.
IDOLâ„ serves as the client by holding teams accountable to the results through deliverables, schedules, and project quality.

Team Structure
Since many students have never been part of a development team and do not have the experience of how teams are organized, IDOLâ„ suggests that most teams benefit from having these roles: SME, Project Manager, Instructional Designer, Visual/Graphic Designer, and Learning Developer.
All members of the team are Academy members or alumni. The exception is the SME, who might be an alumni, or who might be from outside the Academy if the team can find someone willing to donate their time.

Academy Accountability
IDOLâ„ serves as the client by holding teams accountable to the results through deliverables, schedules, and project quality. In practical terms, IDOLâ„ :
- Expects regular communication from the team about the progress and status of the project.
- Provides guidance on and approval of project plans and documentation
- Expects the team to deliver artifacts on schedule and as described in project documentation
- Makes materials of completed courses available to non-profit organizations, free of charge
Inclusive Workplace Communications Training
Using pronouns and inclusive language in the workplace can improve employee satisfaction, which can translate into decreased turnover. In addition, customers and clients will be drawn to a company that demonstrates a culture of respect and inclusivity.
This course provides training for both employees and administrative staff on how to incorporate pronouns and inclusive language into many every-day aspects of the workplace.
View of a preview of the course to the left and then click the buttons below to download the version of your choice.
Developed by:
- Val Brandon: Project Manager, Instructional Designer, eLearning Developer
- Star Peterson: Subject Matter Expert
Hiring The Right People - Focus On The Interview
Nonprofit staff who lack experience, resources, and/or training in interviewing candidates may have difficulties in effectively hiring suitable candidates.
This on-demand eLearning course will equip nonprofit staff to prepare and apply effective interview questions and techniques, and to assess applicants.
View a preview of the course to the left and then use the buttons below to download the version of your choice.
Developed by:
- Marina Rofaeil: Project Manager, Instructional Designer, eLearning Developer | email
- Patricia (Nkem) Okorie: eLearning Developer, Instructional Designer email | portfolio
With earlier input from Emlyn Storrs and Patsy Glatt

Basics of Research Literacy
The Massage Therapy Foundation created a Basics of Research Literacy course in the early 2000’s. This course provides training to massage therapists who need to increase their knowledge and skills to integrate research results in their practice. They requested an update that would include more interactions for the learners with a more modern feel.
The learner joins Leigh, our massage therapist heroine, who is learning about how research can help in her practice. She and the learner are guided by Walt, her mentor through videos, articles and activities.
Developed by:
- Amy Cook: Designer and Developer
- Elizabeth Halter: Designer and Developer
- Emily Harkey: Designer and Developer
- Lisa Lim: Designer and Developer
- Natalie Whitfield: Project Manager, Designer and Developer