IDOL Success Story with Dina Beavers | 51

Season #1

In this episode of Become an IDOL, I’ll be chatting with Dina Beavers about her journey from being a high school math teacher to a Senior Instructional Designer with Deluxe Corporation after enrolling in the IDOL Courses Academy.

We will be discussing how she found her way to instructional design, her experience as a part of the fourth cohort of students in the IDOL Courses Academy, and how that led to her current instructional design position.

Connect with Dina on LinkedIn

Learn more about the IDOL courses Academy: the only implementation program as an authorized trade school of its kind. It not only shows you exactly how to create your job application assets and build a portfolio from scratch, but also includes credentials, mentorship, expert coaching, and paid experience opportunities in corporate instructional design and online learning for life!