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Diary of a New IDOL: Episode Two--Day One

diary of new idol idol idol courses academy idol success story Aug 25, 2020

Diary of a New IDOL-Day One

The day we have been waiting for has finally arrived. It is the first day in our role as an official IDOL! 


My first day was pretty chaotic. I went into the office for orientation along with at least 90 other temp workers. Every two weeks, my company holds a new hire orientation. This week was especially large because they are hiring in preparation for the open enrollment that will begin in October (I work for a health insurance company). 


Once I got in the building, mask and all, I was escorted by my one and only fellow ID on my team to our floor. She set me up with my computer and showed me around the building. I was so excited to see where I would be sitting every day (the view!!) and to see all the extra amenities that the building had (a gym, a cafe, work treadmill rooms). 


Then we sat down and tried to get me set up with all my logins and such to prepare me to go to my home office until January. That is where the problem began. We quickly discovered that the computer assigned to me was not what my supervisor had ordered and did not have the capability to handle the programs that I would need on a daily basis. After that, the day was kind of a bust because I couldn’t do anything and IT was working on my computer. We finally found a temporary replacement for that computer and they sent me home to get set up at home.


I am so excited to see what the first week holds!


My first day was a different experience than what I’ve been used to in past roles.  For now my position will be remote and my first day was remote.  I went to the office the Friday before and picked up my equipment and they made sure I was able to use my laptop.  I met with my manager and the senior instructional designer that morning so they could officially welcome me.  Due to the large amount of new hires the company is currently hiring, the request for the authoring tools is delayed.  In the meantime my manager wants me to sit in the customer service new hire training to get an idea of their current training.


Overall my first day was pretty chill and there wasn’t too much to do besides making sure I have all my access.  I did start going through the shared drive to start looking at some templates and their brand guide.  I’m hoping I’m able to get access to Articulate 360 and the other authoring tools so I can get to the fun stuff.  Everyone on the team so far has been welcoming and I believe this will be a great place to build my skills as an IDOL. I’ll make sure to keep you posted on my new journey.