Case Study: How Sereyutdam Song Mastered Lectora to Train New IDs at IDOL Academy
Jan 28, 2025
Meet Sereyutdam Song, a student at IDOL Academy who recently completed a beginner course for Lectora. As part of his training as an Instructional Design and Online Learning (IDOL) Developer, Sereyutdam took on the challenge of designing a course to train new IDs on the basic functions of Lectora, an eLearning authoring tool.
The Problem: The Need for Lectora Training
As an aspiring instructional designer, Sereyutdam understood the importance of mastering various e-learning tools. However, he noticed that many of his peers struggled with using Lectora to develop interactive eLearning courses. This inspired him to create a course that would equip new IDs with the necessary skills to use Lectora effectively.
The Tools: Articulate Storyline, Camtasia, and Lectora
Sereyutdam used a combination of Articulate Storyline, Camtasia, and Lectora to develop his training course. These tools allowed him to create engaging and interactive content that would effectively teach the basic functions of Lectora.
The Process: Designing a Comprehensive Course
Sereyutdam's course was designed to cover all the essential functions of Lectora, from creating a new project to publishing the final product. He divided the course into different modules, each focusing on a specific function of the tool. He also included practical exercises and quizzes to ensure that the trainees could apply what they learned.
The Results: Empowering New IDs with Lectora Skills
Thanks to Sereyutdam's course, the newly trained IDs at IDOL Academy are now able to use Lectora to develop their eLearning prototypes and interactive courses. They can confidently apply the basic functions of Lectora interchangeably, making them more versatile and valuable in the job market.
The Impact: Advancing the Field of Instructional Design
Sereyutdam's project has had a significant impact on the software training at IDOL Academy. By training new IDs in Lectora, he has not only equipped them with a valuable skill but also contributed to the advancement of the field of instructional design. As these IDs enter the workforce, they will bring their Lectora expertise, improving the quality of eLearning courses and promoting the use of this powerful tool.
Sereyutdam is an aspiring instructional designer with a passion for creating engaging and effective eLearning courses. Follow him on LinkedIn ( to stay updated on his latest projects and achievements.
In Conclusion
Sereyutdam's course is a testament to his dedication and determination to excel at IDOL Academy. His course has not only helped new IDs master Lectora but also made a significant impact on the field of instructional design. We congratulate Sereyutdam on his achievement and look forward to seeing his future contributions to the eLearning industry.
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