IDOL Success Stories

Through IDOL Academy, we’ve helped thousands of students of all experience levels both break into the ID industry and catapult their career to the next level.

Students who complete the Academy lessons and projects are provided the high-valued skill sets that make them competitive candidates for leading corporations. Their successes tell all!


"The IDOL Academy was the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. I knew I wanted to pursue instructional design but had no experience. 

The change in my abilities in five months was incredible. I felt so much more confident and that is a result of the deliberate practice and the feedback system in place. 

In five months I went from going nowhere in my ID journey to landing a position with a prestigious learning company in my area."

Adam Briggs
eLearning Instructional Designer at Assima

“IDOL Academy is a great resource for all experience levels to become an ID or move further in your career. 

Since starting IDOL, I landed my first ID job in December and will be promoted after only a year. 

My boss tells me I’m “a damn good” ID. 

It’s amazing to know that that they think that highly of me and that I should be at a higher position than where I am. It’s a big accomplishment.”

Gretchen Johanson
Sr. Instructional Designer at Zillow

"IDOL Academy gave me the skills, experience, and mentorship that I needed to grow as an instructional designer. I was able to learn key ID concepts, revamp my existing portfolio, develop assets for my portfolio, gain paid experience opportunities, as well as build a stellar resume and LinkedIn profile. 

I wouldn't be where I am today without the guidance and support of Dr. Robin Sargent and my peers in the group. I'm forever grateful. Joining the IDOL Academy is by far the best career decision I've ever made!" 

 Amanda McCroskey
Sr. Instructional Designer Contractor

Within IDOL Academy, students construct jaw-dropping portfolios that show companies and clients they're the IDOL to hire.

A main focus of our skill development track is to forge a high-quality online portfolio that showcases your best work. 

What made her stand out? A portfolio to rave about!

“I don't think I would have been employed so quickly if it weren't for IDOL. They taught me everything I need to know. In every interview, people raved about my portfolio. I even learned that I had a leg up on other candidates because other people did not have a portfolio.”

Ashlynn Godfrey
Learning Experience Designer at  Options Medical Weight Loss
From not that interested to super impressed all thanks to her portfolio.

“At the end the interview that, in all honesty, wasn’t going well, the hiring team asked to see my portfolio. So I opened it up and needless to say they were blown away. Immediately, they asked me when I could start. 

I couldn’t believe it! Showing my portfolio completely changed the energy of the interview. It was like, all of a sudden, they went from not impressed to super interested. So much so, they called me back for another interview the next day.”

Sharon Tavares
Instructional Designer at IKEA

3100+ graduates have already used IDOL Academy to turn career dreams into work realities. If they can do it, so can you!

Rachel doubled her income and only works part-time.

“I interviewed with three companies within a few weeks of applying to no more than 30 jobs (easy clickable applications on LinkedIn). I was offered a contract position for 30-35 hours per week through the end of the year. Even though it's not full-time, I doubled my income. I'm so thankful to IDOL Academy, the coaches, mentors, and other learners who helped teach me new skills and build my confidence to move forward as an ID."

Rachael Hartman
Instructional Designer at The College of Health Care Professions

Marilyn can’t believe she’s working for Google.

"I'm beyond excited about starting my new role at Google through a contractor! I truly owe it to IDOL - the community, the courses, the opportunities. It was a long journey: I started with the Do It Messy challenge, got a volunteer client, volunteered for Rumie Learn, landed a contract through IDOL, and finally this job offer. Put in the time and effort and you'll make it!"

Marilyn Day
Instructional Designer at Google

Lynda is self-employed with a steady base of clients.

"When I started IDOL Academy, I was working as an ID, but looking to update my skills to grow and move into other areas. I considered working freelance, but I didn't really know how to make the move and frankly, I was a bit scared to take that leap. After finishing IDOL I started seriously thinking about going the freelance route. I currently have six clients and am loving the variety and the challenges. It was IDOL that helped me rediscover my passion for instructional design and find the courage to pursue something new.”

Lynda Kluck
Learning Experience Manager at Culture Partners

Jamie made a complete career change in her 40s.

"I would never have imagined I could take the leap from one career field into a COMPLETELY different, unknown career field. I signed up for classes in January and in the meantime worked for a part-time non-profit. I would watch the videos on my lunch hour and the days that I was not in the office I completed my lessons. Now, here I am less than a year later, and I’ve completely changed my career field! For a woman in her mid-40’s, I’m proud of myself. The support I’ve received from everyone at IDOL has changed my outlook on this venture.”

Jamie Black 
Learning Experience Designer at Sea Island Company

Ricky interviewed so well, the company CREATED a job for him.

"IDOL Academy gave me all of the tools I needed to make the jump from teaching to Instructional Design. 

My interviewer was so impressed with my skills that she CREATED a job for me. I could not have accomplished my goals without the help of my mentors and coaches and the greater IDOL community!"

Ricky Fisher
Instructional Designer at Landmark Health

Auroosa got an offer using assets she made the day before.

“I signed an offer yesterday as a Learning Experience Designer. My dream job at my dream company. 

I didn't have my portfolio ready in time to apply for the role but I took a shot and applied anyway. I did submit some samples and I actually made a sample VILT facilitation guide for them that I included in my application. 

I could not have done this without IDOL Academy! I can't believe a few months ago I decided I wanted to make a career change and now here I am, hired as a LXD! 

Auroosa Kazmi-Ishaq
Learning and Development Manager at WildBrain

"IDOL has given me direction and confidence to progress in my career in Digital Learning."

Success Stories so large, they deserve their own episode.

Our 'Become an IDOL' podcast gives space for Academy alumni to share their journey through IDOL Academy and how it prepared them for the career field. Listen to hear success first hand from the now ID professionals themselves!