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Jumpstart your ID Career in 14 Days

Apr 29, 2021

 If you're looking to get into the Instructional Design (ID) field and feel overwhelmed by the steps you need to take to showcase your work, IDOL Academy's 14 Day #DoItMessy Jumpstart may be the perfect start for you! You may have been waiting for the ideal time to get your instructional design work out there, but that time doesn’t seem to come. IDOL Academy's 14 Day Jumpstart will have you set up with a website, assets for your portfolio, LinkedIn, and so much more, in no time! By the end of the 14 days, you could possibly be on your way to your first new ID job too! With no such thing as being ‘behind’ in the academy, you have all the time you need to get your work out to the world. But if you often find yourself on the perfection paralysis struggling bus, you may want to get on the #DoItMessy Jumpstart ride and get to work! Can you really do it in 14 days? You sure can, some have even in 5!

So What is the #DoItMessy 14 Day Jumpstart?

The jumpstart is a clear and simple, yet significant actionable set of steps that you can take to showcase your work as an instructional designer and eLearning developer. It includes steps like getting started with a website, choosing your branding, and steps for creating several assets for your portfolio. These assets include job aids, scripts for your courses, storyboards, RISE courses, and so much more. You can share your work with IDOL’s supportive community to get constructive feedback prior to publishing on your website. Within two weeks, you can feel confident to share your work! The 14-day roadmap also includes tips on how to write and update your resume, cover letter, and how to effectively use LinkedIn to look for jobs and be found by recruiters and hiring managers. Since the #DoItMessy jumpstart is a series of 14 actionable steps, it is possible that you can have your portfolio up in even less than 14 days!  

And yes, if you’re wondering if your actions will breed the confidence you need to get you applying to jobs as soon as two weeks into the academy, they sure will!

Now you may say that you're a 'perfectionist' and don't want to put your non-best work out there. However, remember that a portfolio is a constant work in progress. You need a first attempt to improve.

Here are three things that I learned from going through the #DoItMessy 14-day jumpstart that you can learn from too:  

  1. Perfectionists Get Nowhere.

Try to stay focused on your goal of creating instructional design and e-Learning samples to share with potential employers and clients. You may find yourself stuck on trying to make your website look better, but you need to remember that you’re working toward building a portfolio of instructional design and eLearning development and not designing websites.

  1. Embrace your ID Identity and the Small Steps that Help You Grow

You may want to become an instructional designer, but don’t believe you are one yet. However, you need to begin somewhere, and that place is within yourself. Embrace your new ID identity and continue to take small, actionable, consistent steps. The impact of small but consistent steps will prove fruitful. And of course, don’t forget to celebrate the small steps you take and reward yourself along the way! *wink, wink* IDOL Academy may have rewards for you too! 

  1. Don’t be Reluctant to Ask for Help

Feedback is critical when it comes to improving and putting your best work out there. It may not be ‘perfect’, but remember, there’s no such thing as perfect; you’re putting out the best you can at the time, every time. IDOL Academy members come from vast and varying backgrounds with different starting points in the ID journey, but with IDOL’s supportive community, including its mentors and coaches, you will receive constructive feedback that will ultimately help you develop excellent work and a confident sense of self as an instructional designer and eLearning developer. 

Getting out of your comfort zone may not be a choice you want to make, but with the jumpstart, you will be able to kick self-doubt to the side, do the work, and become an IDOL! 


Click here to join IDOL Academy’s upcoming FREE 5 Day Challenge start May 31! 

You can also click here to get on the June 7, 2021, waitlist.

Written by: Sara Kherallah

Sara Kherallah is a learning experience and instructional designer who is dedicated to educating through the creation of interactive and effective learning experiences that engage learners and improve their knowledge retention. Sara is a life-long learner and enjoys sharing her knowledge and meaningful learning experiences with others. When she’s not working as an LXD or on her IDOL portfolio, she can be found writing content, baking, or running. Connect with Sara on LinkedIn