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No Pain No Gain: An IDOLs Journey

#anidolsjourney #becomeanidol #becomeaninstructionaldesigner #careertransition #careertransitions #idolcoursesacademy #instructionaldesign #newinstructionaldesigner #nopainnogain Nov 04, 2022

No Pain No Gain

Learn to accept the pain for the gain when you: 

  • Search your mind
  • Carve out time 
  • Reach out for help 
  • Work out the wrinkles 


No Pain No Gain

This old saying implies that gain will only come through pain.

Did you ever . . .

  • Search your mind and soul to find a gain worth the pain?
  • Carve out time in your schedule as a commitment to the gain?
  • Reach out for help when you were stuck and overwhelmed on a gainful journey?
  • Work out the wrinkles when the first attempt failed to gain?


Recently, I traveled The Narrows of Utah’s Zion Park. This hike journey rating of “moderately strenuous” did not frighten me. Yet the journey of walking in water and stepping on unknown rocky surfaces did cause some angst.  My instructional design journey presented me with unfamiliar terms and processes. To begin, the kickstart #DoItMessy assignments provided the path of pain to gain.


Because of the stunning views, I knew The Narrows hike would be worth every unsure step. My search to find the right program meant discovering one that met my need to experience a fabulous journey. IDOL courses Academy is built by IDOLS for IDOLS. The reassurance of gain from the pain became evident as I learned of the coaches’ success stories.  Click to learn an IDOL Success Story.


I carved out time for the Utah hiking experience to achieve prime views. I dedicated time to attend Dr. Robin’s group coaching sessions and mentor sessions which helped me gain a new vision of career possibilities.


Once during The Narrows journey, I found myself about to cross through thigh-high water. I hesitated to plan the right move; in an instant, a stranger’s hand extended my way to help me through the treacherous spot. With IDOL I found cohorts who extended encouragement with “just-in-time” fashion. The IDOL cohorts made it easy for me to reach out for feedback, advice, and support.


While I could not create a smooth walking journey through The Narrows, I used my walking stick to guide me. The IDOL cohort system provided the perfect platform to work out the wrinkles to gain a polished final product or portfolio. Feedback and iteration became vital themes. 


When you are ready to gain through pain, read the critical questions and answers on Dr. Robin Sargent’s blog:  Credentialed Program Options for Aspiring IDOLS. Listen to an IDOL’s perspective:   Ask an IDOL about what to expect in the IDOL courses Academy on YouTube. As an IDOL cohort, you can achieve the gain and reach your IDOL goal when you go through the pain.


Written By: Teresa Walton


I am a Freelance Instructional Designer and experienced Adjunct Faculty Business, Communication, and Information Technology Instructor. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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