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Before You Say YES: Choosing The Best IDOL Role

#becomeanidol #besthire #careeerpivot #careerchange #idolcourses #instructionaldesign #instructionaldesigntip #learnerexperiencedesign #learninganddevelopment #positivity Nov 17, 2020

 One of the great things about the IDOL courses Academy is that you get the tools to land your IDOL role.  There are resources to help you create your portfolio, update your resume and optimize your LinkedIn profile. The job hunt may start off a little slow at first but eventually you will start interviewing for jobs.  

For many of us we want to transition into an instructional design and online learning (IDOL) role because we are passionate about the field. An IDOL role could mean a better overall career including better compensation and work life balance. Once the steady interview requests come in you will start to get excited and possibly overwhelmed. During this process there will be ups and downs and probably a few rejections that can be discouraging.  Sometimes when we get in a down period during the interview process we can get anxious which could lead to us making a hasty decision. Obviously the ultimate goal is to land that IDOL role and join the #IDOLmugClub, but there are some things to consider before making the commitment.

Before you say YES to that IDOL role make sure to do the following:

1. Write out your list of non negotiables. For example, if work life balance is important to you because you want to spend time with your family make sure the jobs you are interviewing for will allow for it.  Knowing up front what you want in your position will help you avoid taking a job that will not be a good fit.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions during the interview It’s important for you to know what the job entails and the expectations they have of you. You will spend over 40 hours a week in this role and you want to make sure it’s what you want.  Asking questions will help you get needed information about the company, your manager, and the team you will be working with.

3. Research and investigate the company.  Websites like Glassdoor provide information on companies including the interview process, salaries, benefits etc. You can also check LinkedIn to search for people that work at the company.  You can check out who your manager and team might be and also get an idea of how long people stay with the company.

4. Negotiate your salary and/or total rewards.  There is nothing wrong with negotiating your salary and/or benefits once you receive an offer.  Make sure you do some additional research on the best way to negotiate so that you can remain confident during the process. Check out this article to get an idea of how much Instructional Designers are making.

5. Trust your GUT.  If it just doesn’t feel right it is okay to say no. We all have had moments when we know something just didn’t feel right and oftentimes our instincts were correct. I know during the current job market the thought of saying no sounds absurd but it could save you from a potentially bad situation.


This stage in your IDOL process can bring a range of emotions from excitement to disappointment.  It will all be worth it when you land that IDOL role that you have been working so hard for.  You want to make sure your first IDOL role is a good fit so make sure you remain patient through the process and the right role will come along.

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Written by: Veronica Reed

Veronica aka The Learning Queen is passionate about connecting the employee experience to the learner experience. Please feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.