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First Time Using Storyline?

#articulate360 #becomeanidol #careeerpivot #elearning #idolcourses #instructionaldesign #portfolio #storyline Jun 06, 2021

 When I was starting the IDOL courses Academy back in January, the #doitmessy Two Week Challenge was starting and I was sort of nervous/excited to start.  During those two weeks, I made a course using Articulate Rise®, which I found to be super user friendly!  At first, I was a little hesitant and spoke about it on a Facebook post.  Someone then commented: “Wait until you get into Storyline®!”.  I immediately was like “AHHHH!!! This is going to be hard!! I’m NOT prepared for this AT ALL!”  I was absolutely dreading this part.  But, I knew it’s all part of the ID game. It’s like a necessity in the ID world.  

Then, the Storyline for IDOLS® course came out and let me tell you!  It was like the heavens were shining light on my self-doubt.  It came equipped with several modules and a practice file.  It was just what I needed to relieve my stress. And earning a Storyline® Skilled badge at the end was like the cherry on top. 

After completing it, there were still some jitters as far as how I would go about creating my own course.  It’s one thing to have a practice file with a design template in place.  It’s another to start from scratch.  In the end, everything worked out and I feel a little more confident with Storyline®.  There’s still much to learn, but, at least, I know the fundamentals.  


Here are 3 things that helped me calm those jitters:


All of us had to go through some sort of training woes on Storyline®.  Whatever fears you might have, I had them too.  Other academy members have probably gone through the same thing.  What’s important is that you can ask any member via the Facebook group.  You could even vent there if you need to.  You’ll see those comments like “Yes! I feel the same way!” and you’ll feel so relieved to know you’re not the only one.



The reason why the Storyline® for IDOLS was so great was because it was able to break down what you need to know into little, digestible bites.  It proved that Storyline® doesn’t have to be overwhelming to the learner.  Complete one or two modules a day or week and you’ll see that you’ll be able to make huge strides in getting rid of those Storyline® jitters.  



Not to sound like the Nike® slogan, but it’s true. I always told my students the best way to learn new software is just by diving in head first.  Having that real-world experience is so valuable when learning something new.  I know I’ve always been a hands-on learner and this was no exception.  And if you made a mistake, WHO CARES?!  Like what Ivett Csordas mentions on her blog, How to Use Any Technology,  “that’s what CTRL-Z is for” and it will look like it never happened. I didn’t want to do Articulate Rise® for the two week jumpstart because I was afraid of it.  I realized that I was my own worst enemy and I knew I had to start sometime.  

I don’t believe jitters, in general, are ever going to go away.  I think it kind of keeps you on your toes.  However, by facing those nerves and realizing that you have goals you want to achieve, Articulate Storyline® will soon become an invaluable tool in your ID journey. You’ll be surprised at what you can do, with a tool you might’ve been too nervous to use.  


Some excellent info that helped me out along the way was:

Short Articulate Storyline Tutorials (YouTube playlist made by Swift Elearning Services)

Santana Kennedy’s IDOL Blog: Software Skills Needed to Be Successful at Instructional Design (She mentions a bit about Articulate Storyline® but there are other tools you’ll want in your ID toolbelt)

eLearning Heroes Community by Articulate®  (Your go-to with anything Storyline®)

The Rapid E-Learning Blog hosted by Tom Kuhlmann


Pricila is a STEM educator turned instructional designer with more than 5 years of experience.  Her love for creating engaging learning experiences using tools like Articulate Storyline® and Vyond® is what keeps her wanting to stay up to date about the latest innovations in instructional design.  Her mantra everyday is “learning is growing”.  She enjoys playing with her dog, spending time with her family and friends, and won’t say no to some sushi.  


Connect with her via LinkedIn here

Check out her portfolio here

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